Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New Book

There is a new book I am working on here is a sneek.

Too Fickle

By Lauren Fullmer

‘Dear Diary,

Like any other teenage girl or preteen I always dreamed about falling in love like in the fairy tales. Although unlike any other girl who dreams about fairy tales, I am extremely fickle. Having a crush on one boy for a week or two then a different one the next. Sometimes two or three guys at a time, it’s seems as though all I like about liking someone is the chase. Once they fall for me or I know it is a lost cause I will change guys. I know I’m making myself out to seem cruel and uncaring, and believe me I beat myself up plenty of times for it, but it is just who I am. In the movies, it always ends when they get together with a “and they lived happily ever after”. I guess that is how I came to view it to. The fun was over once the other likes you back.



After all that has been said, what will happen when Lucy Fernas meets two new unexpected boys when she moves: one outgoing, and one shy? Will a final love bloom or will these boys finally make it clear that that she really is too fickle?

1 comment:

ducklips said...

Great start! Can't wait to read your next book!