Sunday, September 23, 2007


Hey, middle school is awesome I have tons of friends. lol. We got our furniture today we have a couch, another love seat, and a chair. It's so soft.

Sunny is just a little (well not so little any more) trouble maker. Like if we leave him down staires by himself or even don't whatch for a little while he goes to tare something up. One time we were cooking a pound of mean on the stove, we come back latter it's all gone. You can probly guess what happend. Sunny jumped up on the stove and ate it all. lol I have to mite it was funny.

P.S. I know I'm a worrible speller. ^_^


ducklips said...

Lo, I am so glad to see you posting again. I'm happy that you are liking junior high school. It can be a blast.

Thanks so much for watching my kids Friday night. I'll catch up w/ ya for it the next time I see you. Sorry I couldn't come over Saturday to take care of it, but you know, Kas was sick.

Merilee said...

LAUREN? LAUREN, IS THAT YOU? Middle school rocks. I'm so glad you love it too. it's good to hear you have actual furniture again. OOOOHH, that Sunny!

BTW, Where did you buy that pound of mean?

Emily said...

I want to cook a pound of mean! I love you, Lo!

Tomallama said...

That's awesome that you spelled it "worrible"! Just so you know, it's horrible, but that's okay.

Sheerstar said...

hahahahahahahahaha! Check out my blog!

Sheerstar said...

post lo post

Sheerstar said...

come on you can do better than that and i know you have internet

Sheerstar said...


Sheerstar said...

post lauwen post

Sheerstar said...

This is a different tag, so here are the rules: A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.B. Each player lists 6 little-known facts/habits about themselves. C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

Mike [Bass-Man] said...

Yea middle school is fun until you start being the opject of attack...Welcome to hell