Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Me taking pics

For mutual this week we did some photagraphy. We learned how do take pics beter by making thing thing you want your viewers see more noticable. So here are some pics I took. lol. I hope you like them.


Merilee said...

very nice!

Sheerstar said...

(inncontly) Um, What?

ducklips said...

What a fun activity. Good job on making your subject more visible. I like you feet picture.

Emily said...


Emily said...

Hey, I think you have some people on your blog who should not be...

Anonymous said...


Sheerstar said...


megan said...

I think it is time for you to put those dumb code things on your blog so random computers can't leave comments

Anonymous said...

See Here or Here

Sheerstar said...

What is up with here and warning. Any way, you are tagged. Rules:

1. Pick up the nearest book (one of at least 123 pages)

2. Open the page to 123

3. Find the 5th sentence.

4. Post the next 3 sentences

5. Tag 5 people.